Be Habitual

About Be Habitual

Be Habitual is a simple web app that helps you establish the habits you want in your life. It helps you identify the trigger you need to make a habit stick, set up reminders and track your progress along the way.

Suggested Reading

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg.

The Team

James Aylett, Ash Berlin, George Brocklehurst, James Coglan, Mark Norman Francis, Chris Govias, Stephanie Hobson, Steve Marshall, Mazz Mosley, Gavin O'Carroll, Linda Sandvik, Anna Shipman, Nick Stenning.

Made in a fort

Yes, you read that right. Be Habitual is a /dev/fort project, meaning that the inital work was done in a week in isolation in a fort: Fort Clonque on the island of Alderney. For eight days we lived and worked together, spending most of our time in two communal rooms and sometimes working from the roof, before getting trapped on the island during the worst snow storm the Channel Islands have seen in 30 years. Seriously, horizontal snow.